Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 14, 2021

One year. It has been one year. I will never for get the Friday we had all kids eating lunch outside because we were trying to keep kids spaced out. In the middle of walking around and talking to the kids, I got an email that said 'Tell teachers to gather curriculum and send it home with the students." And that was all I got. Teachers were asking me what was happening and how long we would be out. I had no idea but I honestly thought we would be back after Spring Break. Ha! Little did we know our world would change forever.  I know I sound like a broken record, but think about all of the fears and unknowns you have overcome. How different did your virtual classroom feel this school year compared to Spring? So different. And the fear we all had surrounding coming back in person. We did it and it has been awesome. I think I am especially reflective because many schools are just dipping their toes into coming back. The teachers are pushing back and everyone is scared. And that is when I take a second and acknowledge how lucky we are. I truly appreciate all of you and your hard work to make this as smooth as possible. And now, it is time to start preparing and planning for next year! Phew. What a whirlwind!


RFS: For the Request For Support (RFS) process, if you have a student please fill out the form. We will schedule a meeting and talk about what you have done and brainstorm some other ideas. I know there has been what feels like push back for more information but we are all trying to A) Figure it out and B) Do what is asked by the district. We decided that we do not want you to avoid, or not fill out a form, so we after you put in a request, we will briefly meet no matter what and create a plan. We will then schedule a follow up to check on progress. I hope that make sense! If not, please ask. 

Chains on Gates: Starting next weekend, the chains will be back on the gates. We are having too many issues with people on campus and the chains will help deter them from entering. We will only lock them on Fridays. 

Surveys, surveys and more surveys! Please fill out the following surveys.

Mindfulness Survey: If you haven't already, please fill out this mindfulness survey. Whether you enjoyed it or not, the survey will provide helpful feedback. Mindfulness Survey

Staff Device Inventory: This was shared by the district. 
To ensure your device is included in future refresh cycles, we need your help completing the below form no later than April 9, 2021.

Staff Device Inventory

Grade Level Survey: Next year is going to bring a lot of changes and opportunities. Please fill out this survey with your top three grade levels. Grade Level Survey

Coming Up This Week:

Wednesday, 3/17 @ 3:30pm- PLC Leadership Meeting (Tentative)

Character Trait of the Week: Flexibility!

Spirit Day Friday: Opposite Day (Teachers dress like students and students like teachers) 

Have a great week!

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Monday, July 31st

I hope you all had a rejuvenating summer spent with your families, creating beautiful memories and recharging your energy. As we begin this ...